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The economic benefits of solar film installation: What every building professional should know


Solar control films applied to windows offer significant energy savings thanks to their many advantages. In particular, their composition reduces heat and damage caused by UV rays.

Here are the many economic and environmental benefits of solar control films, and why you should include them in your renovation projects.

Save energy with the anti-heat properties of solar control films

The primary function of UV control film is to reduce the heat entering a room through windows.

Thanks to its reflective components, the film blocks UV rays and keeps the room cool without turning on the air conditioning. In this way, they help to naturally regulate the temperature in a building and save energy.

Indeed, the use of air conditioners is a heavy burden in terms of energy consumption for households and businesses. Particularly during the summer months and in hot climates. By applying solar film to the windows of a business or home, the electricity bill is greatly reduced by more occasional use of air-conditioning systems.

But that's not all. Reducing electricity use is a real environmental argument, since cutting energy consumption is equivalent to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity production.

Tinted films are anti-UV and anti-fading

Solar films block UV rays entering a room and their damaging effect on objects. They therefore prevent the deterioration and fading of furniture, walls and interior decorations, which won't need to be changed frequently. Users save money on interior maintenance and the purchase of new furniture, curtains and carpets damaged by the sun.


Anti-glare film improves energy efficiency

Today, many buildings are subject to environmental standards. If they receive a poor energy rating due to poor thermal insulation, penalties may apply.

Property developers will also find it harder to sell or let premises and homes with a poor environmental performance index (EPI). By reducing the heat transmitted through windows, solar control films not only help to save energy but also contribute to improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

This in turn helps them achieve energy certification standards such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method). A building that meets all these standards automatically increases its value.

Conservation of natural resources

By reducing the energy required to cool buildings, solar window films help conserve natural resources such as coal, oil and gas, which are used to generate electricity.

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